The use of the p, e, c, d, t series handle series inevitably involves the execution of small mechanical and fixing operations, as well as electric and electronic adaptations for the sending of electrical and electronic signals that normally require specific time for study and applicability.
Below you will find a wide range of specific accessories for the handle p, e, c, d, t series to support all activities related to application and interfacing.


The use of the p, e, c, d, t series handle series inevitably involves the execution of small mechanical and fixing operations, as well as electric and electronic adaptations for the sending of electrical and electronic signals that normally require specific time for study and applicability.
Below you will find a wide range of specific accessories for the handle p, e, c, d, t series to support all activities related to application and interfacing.


  • All handle fixing activities
  • All signal connection activities


  • Versatility of use
  • Wide choice of configurations for each category
  • Reliability of use:
  • Easy assembly and installation


Schermata 2019 07 22 alle 14.10.51 Avvitatori per assemblaggio industriale The use of the p, e, c, d, t series handle series inevitably involves the execution of small mechanical and fixing operations, as well as electric and electronic adaptations for the sending of electrical and electronic signals that normally require specific time for study and applicability. Below you will find a wide range of specific accessories for the handle p, e, c, d, t series to support all activities related to application and interfacing.